Resources For The Times of Covid-19
We have compiled a list of different government resources for those who are in our home state of Florida. We understand that things are constantly changing, so the resources here may offer more or less on any given week due to funding, government plans, etc.
We hope you and your family are staying safe, healthy and comfortable during these times.
Covid-19 Executive Orders from the Florida Government
Provides information about:
- How to prevent the spread of covid
- What to do if you think you were exposed to covid or if you are sick as well as links to testing sites
- Shows current numbers of covid in Florida – can see daily reports per county, city, etc.
Florida Health COVID-10 Dashboard/Interactive Map
- View cases in the state and in each county, as well as hospitalizations, deaths, new cases, positive cases, etc.
- Updates everyday around 11:00 am
Hospital Bed Capacity in Florida Hospitals
- Shows every county
Florida Disaster – Division of Emergency Management
- Provides info about essential services and activities, as well as general covid resources and information
- Provides information about testing centers in each county
- Provides updates on covid cases & deaths
- Provides information in both Creole and Spanish as well
- Has a Covid-19 24/7 hotline number: 866-779-6121
- Provides info on small business loans and resources during these times of covid
- Apply for various loans and assistance available to small business owners
Florida Department of Education
- Provide latest information about how schools are moving forward with covid in the new school year
- Resources for families and teachers
- Latest education information for both primary and secondary education
Meals for kids and teens during summer
- Free balanced meals – no application necessary for kids 18 and under
- File for Reemployment assistance
Orange County Government Resident Resources:
- Provides information on various economic resources and specific grants/payments/loans you may be eligible for
- Links to state and local economic recovery plans
- FAQs on payments for rent, mortgages and utilities
- Various links to helpful social services such as United Way, food assistance, senior assistance, etc.
- Information on how to receive personal protective equipment to residents and businesses at no cost
- Resources on how to stop the spread and what to do if sick
- Resources and information on how to clean private and public spaces
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
- Provides information on economic assistance and the CARES act
- Options for additional assistance you can apply for
Twitter feeds
FL Division of Emergency Management
- Provides info on testing centers and new temporary testing centers that open up
Center for Disease Control and Prevention